Beeswax foundation is manufactured according to the Weed Process, a process that ensures a pure and flexible beeswax foundation that is easy to work with and also preferred by the bees. 8-frame hives hold less frames, which makes them generally lighter than 10-frame hives. With 8-frame hives, beekeepers will need to purchase more supers for storage. The production and sale of beeswax foundation is a source of pride to Redpath’s. Because 10-frame hives hold two more frames, bees have more room to lay eggs and produce a bigger food supply, which also means you can harvest extra honey. Honey For Sale - Lappes Bee Supply is a supplier company of raw local honey for sale, located in the Midwest United States. The business supplies beekeeping equipment and sells honey to the public. Specialising in a range of Honey Extractors, Beehives, Made in Australia Glass and Plastic Jars, Beekeeping Books, Bee Smoker, Uncapping Stations and more. The large showroom provides a comfortable place for beekeepers to view the equipment they need and to ask the many questions that arise from keeping bees. Our aim is to have the stock when beekeepers most need it. Redpath’s Beekeeping Supplies carry the largest stock of beekeeping equipment in South East Australia. Norman eventually operated up to 300 hives, while selling beekeeping supplies and honey. Suppliers of beekeeping equipment, tools, bee feed and bees. The business was established by Alan’s father, Norman, who discovered a passion for beekeeping. A wide range of beekeeping supplies to get you started in beekeeping. Shop Atlantic Canadas largest selection of beekeeping supplies and equipment We serve commercial and hobbyist clients in NS, NB, NL, PEI and across.